Buying a used Yamaha piano
AAA | R & R | "LIKE NEW" |
B+ | VERY GOOD | |
B | GOOD | |
C | FAIR | |
D | POOR |
AAA MINT - R&R (Rebuilt and Refinished) A used Yamaha piano that has been disassembled, inspected, repaired as necessary with replacement of all worn or deteriorated parts, reassembled, tested and approved to at least the tolerances of a new piano of like manufacture is said to have been rebuilt and refinished. A grading of R&R is designated.
The labor-intensive work required to rebuild a Yamaha piano properly is not inexpensive. Therefore, a rebuilt piano should be purchased because of its merits, not purely as a money-saving measure compared to a new instrument.
AA LIKE NEW - REFURB (Refurbished) A Refurb instrument rating means that the instrument looks great, plays great is in excellent mechanical condition and needs no reconditioning. It should pass all inspections. Free of any blemishes, nicks or scratches; original condition throughout; very little sign of use.
A RECONDITIONED - RECON A used Yamaha piano that has been put back in good condition by cleaning, repairing and adjusting for maximum performance with replacement parts where specifically indicated is said to have been reconditioned." A grading of Reconditioned is designated.
A- EXCELLENT - EXCEL A excellent instrument rating means that the instrument looks great, is in excellent mechanical condition and needs no reconditioning. It should pass all inspections. The string compartment should be clean. The finish is free of any wear or visible defects. There is no rust. Minute nicks or scratches; no dents or rust.
B+ VERY GOOD - VG A very good rating means that the Yamaha piano is free of any major defects. Many pianos owned by consumers fall into this category. The finish will have only minor blemishes (if any), and there are no major mechanical problems. Few scratches; exceptionally clean; no dents or rust.
B GOOD A good Yamaha piano may need some reconditioning to be sold at retail, but any major reconditioning should be deducted from the value. Scratches, small dents, dirty.
C FAIR A fair instrument rating means that the Yamaha piano probably has some mechanical defects, but is still in operating condition. The finish and/or interior usually need professional repair to make the instrument salable. Well-scratched, chipped, dented, rusted or warped condition.
Labels: buying, maker, rating guide, used, yamaha